Commercial Design


Stretch Ceilings for Commercial establishments, indoor gaming etc.The advantages of such a relatively complex and highly professional solution include: The ability to easily provide uniform and comfortable lighting throughout the retail outlet. For such ceilings, you can choose spot or raster lights. Excellent reflectivity for most ceilings, allowing lower wattage lamps to be used and saving on lighting costs. Simple maintenance of the communications hidden under the tension surface. In the presence of such ceilings, the repair and replacement of climatic equipment in sales areas is simplified.

To access the systems, it is enough to remove the canvas and install it back without consequences. Saving time on maintenance of ceilings. The systems can be cleaned with ordinary soapy water, although for serious contamination you still need to use special detergents. Fast installation. A feature that is of particular importance for shopping centers where long-term renovation results in lower profits for the owners. A suspended ceiling speeds up work and therefore reduces waste.

Designer stretch ceilings in commercial
Designer stretch ceilings in commercial